44 Prince
44 Prince Street
North End
44 Prince Street is a Boston apartment building that is located in the North End neighborhood. As a building that was constructed in 2005, the apartment community is considered to be a newer addition to the neighborhood. One- and two-bedroom apartments are available and can be rented or purchased. There is a total of 55 units in the building, and these apartments are spread across six floors. An on-site management team is available to answer service calls and address any concerns residents may have.
A doorman contributes to the security of the building by screening guests and greeting residents. Concierge services are available at 44 Prince Street, and residents are able to obtain recommendations related to local restaurants and attractions by consulting with the concierge. Underground parking with secure access keeps residents' vehicles safe. The building's function room can be reserved by residents for both professional and personal events.
Many apartments in the building feature private balconies and terraces to give residents their own personal outdoor space. Common outdoor areas can be found in the courtyard and a garden with a fountain. Most units offer a view of the Boston skyline, and oversize windows allow residents to get the best vantage point.
Spacious rooms are to be expected in 44 Prince Street apartments, and the large windows found in these rooms let the sun shine in for a bright, open feel. Kitchens feature top-of-the-line General Electric appliances, granite countertops and designer lighting. Dishwashers, garbage disposals and microwaves are standard in each unit. Marble master baths highlight the luxury that defines this apartment community.
Bedrooms include wall-to-wall carpeting, while other living spaces feature hardwood flooring. Select units feature gas fireplaces to add a cozy, luxurious touch that will impress guests and keep residents toasty during those cold winter nights.
Air conditioning is included in each apartment to keep residents comfortable throughout the summer. Summers in Boston are known to be hot and humid, and air conditioning is a must-have feature in city apartments.
As a pet-friendly apartment complex, 44 Prince Street welcomes furry friends. Certain breed restrictions apply, and pet owners should discuss their needs with the management team.
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